Abingdon Carbon Cutters runs a programme of waste-reducing Repair Cafés throughout the year where you can get free repairs to a wide range of items such as:
- Electronic gadgets
- Mechanical items including bicycles
- Computers (hardware/software)
- Toys and Furniture
- Clothing and Textiles
- Tool sharpening
In fact, if it’s broken, bring it along and we are sure to have a go or, at least, provide some advice on what your best course of action might be.
You’re also welcome to come along with repairs you want to do yourself or craft projects you’re working on and you’ll find a friendly bunch ready to welcome you.
The event is run entirely by volunteers who fix things in their spare time. As well as repairs, you can pop in for a cuppa and homemade cake. Repairs are free, but we welcome small donations to cover overheads to ensure we can keep running repair cafés in the future.
Check the Events calendar for the date of the next Repair Café!
Photos by Wuon-Feng HO
Local Repairers
Richard and Sally have compiled a list of local companies who do repairs. The companies listed have worked in the past but we suggest you phone them to check before making a journey. If you discover new repairers or errors in the list then please tell us by emailing Sally on