Blister Pack Reprocessing

Anyone can bring empty plastic pill blister packets to the collection box in Climate Emergency Centre, below Abingdon’s County Hall (open Thurs-Sat 10am-4pm).  The box will be emptied periodically by volunteers who will take the packets to the Terracycle collection point in Superdrug, Cowley.

2 thoughts on “Blister Pack Reprocessing”

  1. I have twice visited Abingdon Town Hall to try and recycle empty plastic pill blister packets but have not been able to gain entry on any of the times/days mentioned.
    Are you still operating this facility? If not, is there anywhere in Abingdon that I can recycle these items?

  2. We went there in Abingdon but were told it is now closed because of health and safety. Is there anywhere else local?

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